
    Memory Mates connects teens with senior citizens through activities and service in order to improve the lives of senior citizens and empower young adults.

    Memory Mates Google Site

     Memory Mates connects teens with senior citizens through activities and service in order to improve the lives of senior citiz

    Memory Mates Board members:

    Sumner Silver - Co-president

    Eryn Rhoads - Co-president 

    Shannon Schallmo - Creative Director

    Annabel Glasser - Outreach Coordinator

    Espi Semrad - Marketing Co-Director

    Amelia Balanovsky - Marketing Co-Director

    Ayhan Azimov - PR Manager


    Meetings are bi-monthly on Thursdays from 3:15pm to 4pm in G103 (2nd and 4th Thursday)

    Board meetings are bi-monthly on Thursdays from 3:15pm to 4pm in G103 (1st and 3rd Thursday)


    Next Memory Mates meeting: Thursday 2/13 from 3:15pm to 4pm in G103


    Upcoming Volunteer Events    ALL student volunteers must bring a signed permission form and ride the bus!

    Sunday 3/2/2024 at Sunrise Senior Living from 2pm to 3pm


    Past Volunteer Events from 2024-2025

    Sunday 9/29/2024 at Arbor Terrace Senior Living from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 10/6/2024 at ALIYA Care Facility from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 10/20/2024 at Highland Park Library from 1:30pm to 2:30pm

    Sunday 11/3/2024 at Sunrise Senior Living from 2pm to 3pm 

    Saturday 11/16/2024 at Highwood Public Library from 1pm to 2pm

    Sunday 12/8/2024 at ALIYA Care Facility from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 2/2/2024 at ALIYA Care Facility from 2pm to 3pm


    Past Volunteer Events from 2023-2024

    Sunday 1/28/2024 at Arbor Terrace Senior Living from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 2/25/2024 at ALIYA Care Facility from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 4/7/2024 at Sunrise Senior Living from 2pm to 3pm

    Sunday 4/21/2024 at Arbor Terrace Senior from 2pm to 3pm 

    Sunday 5/19/2024 at ALIYA Care Facility from 2pm to 3pm