• All are welcome to join Stage Crew! Contact Ms.Harmon for any questions!




  • Stage Crew FAQ's

    • What do I have to do to join crew?

      • All you have to do to join is show up at any crew session.

    • Do I need to have any prior experience to join crew?

      • No! We will teach you everything you need to know.

    • I missed the first day of crew. Can I still join?

      • Yes! Anyone can join at any time during the school year.

    • Can I participate in other activities or athletics?

      • Yes! Stage Crew students are often involved in other activities or athletics. Students can come when they are not involved in other programs or during their offseason.

    • What is the time commitment for stage crew?

      • Stage crew meets daily from 3:15-5:00 PM. As we move into tech week, we stay until 6:00. During production week, we rehearse until 7:00. The Encore parent group provides dinner for those rehearsals. More detailed information about specific days and weeks is available on the calendar below.