Academic Supports


    Academic Resource Center (ARC)

    The Academic Resource Center is available to help all DHS students be more successful learners. All students are invited to use the ARC and its resources to get on the right path towards academic success. The Academic Resource Center offers individual help in Math, Science, Reading, and Writing. Students can access support as a walk-in or by scheduling an appointment.

    Individual Help: Help is available from instructional aides. Please know that there may not always be a tutor present for every subject during every time of the day as the schedule is dependent upon tutor availability.

    ARC Website

    Room:  Q123, Q125


    Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

    The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is a general education course that targets organizational strategies, homework completion, self-advocacy and study skills. Data is collected to track organization of materials, homework completion, missing assignments, Academic Resource Center (ARC) visits and communication with teachers. When students are in LAP, they will build a relationship with the LAP Coordinator as well as LAP mentors. DHS classroom teachers serve as LAP mentors. The LAP mentors are additional adults in the building that your student will build a relationship with to help them learn skills and navigate high school. Furthermore, grades and overall progress are tracked weekly in LAP to help students improve and monitor their skills. Once students have demonstrated strong, consistent growth in overall academic performance, self-regulation and self-advocacy, LAP services may be reduced or concluded. Eligibility for LAP may be considered by the Intervention Team when students earn multiple D and/or F grades.

    Room:  I111