Total Number of Personnel

  • The following information complies with Policy 2-250, Access to District Public Records, which requires the posting of the approximate number of full-time and part-time employees. 


    School Year 2024-25

    Full-time employees: 622

    Part-time employees: 23

    Total: 645

Number of Personnel with School Support Endorsement

  • The following information complies with Policy 2-250, Access to District Public Records, which requires the posting of the total number of personnel with a school support endorsement, and for each endorsement area:


    School Year 2024-2025

    Actively employed on a full-time basis: 37

    Actively employed on a part-time basis: 0

    Actively employed by a special education cooperative providing services to students in the District: 6

    Total number of personnel with a school support endorsement: 37