Department Chair
Shanova Friend
(224) 765-2161
sfriend@dist113.orgAdministrative Assistant
Sarah Pettorelli
(224) 765-2160
spettorelli@dist113.orgIntro to Business, Honors Incubator
Mike Arcurie
(224) 765-2075
marcurie@dist113.orgIntro to Business, Accounting
David Burke
(224) 765-2079
dburke@dist113.orgPreschool Lab I-V
Stacy Chambers
(224) 765-2072
schambers@dist113.orgBusiness Law/Career Pathway Endorsements
Geoff Champney
(224) 765-2304
gchampney@dist113.orgPLTW Engineering
Theresa Edwards
(224) 765-2232
tedwards@dist113.orgPLTW Engineering
Alexander Mak
(224) 765-2074
amak@dist113.orgPersonal Living, Creative Cuisine, Fashion & Interior Design
Carrie Schuett
(224) 765-2077
cschuett@dist113.orgDual Language-Principios de Negocios Internacionales
Stephanie Sinchak
(224) 765-2194
ssinchak@dist113.orgTech Campus
David Solotke
(224) 765-2174