Engineering Instructor Engineering & Architecture Instructor
Mr. Alex Mak Ms. Tesa Edwards
amak@dist113.org tedwards@dist113.org
(224)765-2074 (224) 765-2232
- Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
- Principles of Engineering (POE)
- Civil Engineering & Architecture (CEA)
- Digital Electronics (DE)
- Engineering Design & Development (EDD)
The Engineering and Architecture program prepares students for a world of rapidly changing technology. Through a robust program of courses, the engineering curriculum prepares students for both professional and personal endeavors in technology. In these project-based courses, students will develop an innovative and problem-solving mindset while pursuing professional and personal goals. The rich curriculum connects students to the core content areas in a collaborative lab-based environment, teaching students the skills and knowledge that they will need to adapt to new technology as it unfolds.