
  • As required by ILCS 5/27-9.1a,  information about the curriculum DHS uses to provide comprehensive personal health and safety and comprehensive sexual health education standards (National Sex Education Standards-NSES) and the scope and sequence of these instructional materials are below. 


    The goal of the DHS health education program is to provide medically accurate information about a broad range of topics such as consent, healthy relationships, adolescent development, sexual and reproductive anatomy, gender identity and expression, sexual identity and orientation, and sexual violence awareness and prevention. Students have the opportunity to learn about their own values and beliefs and practice healthy communication and decision-making skills related to sexual and nonsexual relationships throughout their lives.


    Scope and sequence:

    Gender identity and expression



    Healthy and Unhealthy Relationships

    Reproductive anatomy


    STI and STD prevention


  • Inquiries about instruction and materials should be directed to:

    Name: Marc Pechter
    Title: Department Chair for Physical Education, Health, & Traffic Safety
    Email address: mpechter@dist113.org