Equity Toolkit

  • The toolkit contains four different types of tools.


    Technical Terms

    How we communicate and the words we use also have an impact on not only ourselves but also others. Words matter.  It’s on us to do our part and ensure that the ways we communicate are not creating barriers to or excluding certain groups of people. It is essential to achieve some degree of shared understanding. In this way, the quality of dialogue and discourse can be enhanced.


    Process Pathways

    Examining our policies, procedures, and practices through pathways will bring us to more inclusive and equitable outcomes. Keeping race and systemic oppression on the table, not to lay blame, but to design more equitable systems. 


    Book Study

    A book study can be a powerful way for educators to drive their learning. A book study is an effective form of professional learning because new learning can be immediately applied in the classroom. 


    Equity Roadmap

    The primary objective of the D113 Equity Roadmap is to assist and support our schools, district leaders, and the Board of Education in taking an intentional approach to achieve equity—equity, that is, by definition, systemic.  Equity is both a process and an outcome, so how we engage in the process is as important as the changes we decide to make. The roadmap aims to establish the conditions that lead to positive, sustainable student and staff outcomes.