Schoology Login

  • Students:

    Download the Schoology App:

    Download on iOS Download on Android

    Please note: You must create an account from your computer's web browser before downloading the app.  See instructions below.

Schoology Resources

  • In keeping with our commitment to serving our students and providing them with the best educational opportunities, we have adopted Schoology as our Learning Management System (LMS) this school year.  Schoology enables our students, parents and teachers to engage with learning materials and their school community from the classroom and beyond.  In addition to providing a centralized location for online classroom content, benefits of an LMS include:

    • accessibility and synchronization across multiple devices
    • analytical tools for monitoring and measuring student progress
    • communication tools for collaboration, student participation and engagement, parent involvement, and instructor feedback

    For Schoology support, please contact or

    Please note: We have been made aware of account creation issues for parents who have existing accounts linked to other districts or schools. Please use this support article as a guide or contact our Schoology support team (emails linked above) for individualized support.


    Guías en español:

Schoology FAQs

  • How do I create a Schoology parent account?

    Please refer to our Schoology Parent Guide for detailed instructions. Your child’s unique Access Code is available on Infinite Campus. Please log on to Infinite Campus to obtain the required code.

    The codes for Incoming Freshmen will be added to Campus Parent in August.  


    Where do I go to check individual ASSIGNMENT grades?

    Teachers will enter assignment grades in Schoology. The individual assignemnt grades in Schoology will periodically sync with IC. The most up-to-date overall grades for teachers can be accessed by logging into Infinite Campus.

    All in progress and final semester grades will be on Infinite Campus.

    Where can I view attendance?

    Attendance for all students and courses can be accessed in Infinite Campus. Though assignment grades for Schoology courses will be in Schoology, attendance and overall calculated grades will still be in Infinite Campus.

    Why do the courses in Schoology look different?

    Just like in a physical classroom, Schoology allows teachers to have flexibility with style, format, layout, and purpose. The teacher decides how they will use Schoology in their course and what resources will be housed. The teacher also determines what resources are accessible to parents in the course.