Child Find Process

  • Township High School District 113 actively seeks out and attempts to identify all students in the district who have disabilities that significantly impact academic progress. When a concern is expressed either by school staff, student, or a parent, the student’s academic and social/emotional status is reviewed through a problem-solving process. Teachers, counselors, and support staff, along with the student and parents, develop and implement interventions and strategies to address needs. When interventions/strategies adequately meet the needs of a student, no further action is indicated.

    When strategies and intervention plans are not successful in appropriately supporting a student, an individual assessment to determine eligibility for Special Education services may be initiated.

    An individualized assessment/case study evaluation is conducted with written parent/guardian consent and includes a series of diagnostic procedures that provide information about the student and the nature of the difficulties that affect educational success. During an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) domain meeting, the educational team, which includes the students and parents, determines the components of the case study evaluation. The assessment must be completed within a 60 school-day timeline. When the case study evaluation is completed, results are shared and eligibility for Special Education services is determined by the educational team.

    Any private evaluations, provided by parents, will be considered through a problem-solving process and are compared to the district’s special education criteria and IDEA legislation. Within 14 school days of receiving a private evaluation or other written request from a parent/guardian for assessment, the educational team determines whether additional assessment or other steps are warranted.

    For students who are not found eligible for special education may qualify for accommodations under Section 504 if the child (i) has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, (ii) has a record of physical or mental impairment, or (iii) is regarded as having a physical or mental impairment. If you would like more information about Section 504 in determining if your student qualifies, please contact:


    Deerfield High School
    Amalia Keane

    Shari Meserve

    Highland Park High School
    Jessica Gardner

    Agata Watson


    Any parent who is deaf or does not typically communicate using spoken English and who participates in Section 504/IEP meetings with a representative of a local education agency shall be entitled to the service of an interpreter.

    To receive special education services, students must be determined to have one of the following exceptionalities as defined by the Illinois State Board of Education ( 

    • Autism (includes, but is not limited to, any Autism Spectrum Disorder)
    • Deaf-blindness,
    • Deafness,
    • Emotional disability,
    • Hearing impairment,
    • Intellectual disability,
    • Multiple disabilities,
    • Orthopedic impairment,
    • Other health impairment,
    • Specific learning disability,
    • Speech or language impairment,
    • Traumatic brain injury,
    • Visual impairment

    If the student is determined to be eligible for special education support, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is developed and reviewed annually. An educational program must be available to students eligible for special education services through the age of 21 years, 364 days, when appropriate to meet graduation requirements and address established goals and objectives. Notice of Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students with Disabilities must be shared with parents if a case study evaluation is initiated and provided annually to families if their child receives special education services. Complete safeguards are available for review through the following State Board of Education link:

    Eligibility for special education services is reevaluated every three years.