• The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, reauthorized in January 2002, is the first and only major federal legislative response to homelessness. It ensures educational rights for children and youth experiencing homelessness. 
    If you are homeless, or know someone who is homeless, there is help available. You should contact District 113's Homeless Liaison, Dr. Tiffany Rowe: 

    • Who is eligible for services?
    • Doubled up with relatives/friends or "couch surfing" due to economic hardship
    • Living in motels, shelters, or in places not normally used as sleeping accommodations for human beings
    • Temporarily awaiting foster care placement
    • "Unaccompanied youth": youth in homeless situations who are not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian
    • Throwaway children
    • Runaways
    • Disaster victims

    For more information, or if you have any questions regarding the educational rights of homeless children and youth in Lake County, contact Dr. Tiffany Rowe.