The Board shall annually approve the guidelines set forth in the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use section of the implementing procedures. See [Discipline section] for the disciplinary consequences related to alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

    1. District Philosophy/Policy

    Possession, use, or distribution of any attempt to use or distribute, 1) any illegal or controlled substance, including alcohol, drugs or any look-alike drug, tobacco product, or electronic cigarette/vaping device, or 2) drug paraphernalia is prohibited.

    Controlled substances include lawful drugs and prescription drugs not used or intended to be used in accordance with the prescription and over-the-counter drugs not used or intended to be used as directed.

    Students are prohibited from possessing, using, being under the influence of, or distributing alcohol, tobacco, or other prohibited substances in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or at any school event or activity. Possession or distribution of drugs, look-alike drugs, tobacco products or electronic cigarettes, or drug paraphernalia such as, but not limited to pipes, bongs, rolling paper, etc., in these locations is prohibited. In addition to instituting disciplinary proceedings, school officials will also deny attendance at any school program or function to students who appear to be under the influence of, or who are in possession of, alcohol or other prohibited substances.  The Principal or Principal’s designee will notify legal authorities of all evidence and reports of all illegal activity if warranted.

    A student’s eligibility to participate in Behind the Wheel portion of driver’s education may be postponed if the student is found using or possessing alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or other controlled substances. The District will distribute regulations regarding eligibility for participation in driver’s education to students at the beginning of the school year.

    When, in the judgment of the Principal or the Principal’s designee, it has not been established there was a violation, but there is a reasonable basis to believe that a prohibited, alcohol, tobacco or other drug use and/or possession may have occurred:

    1. All information available will be given to the student’s counselor and Student Assistance Program designee.
    2. Based on the counselor’s knowledge of the student and in consultation with the counselor’s supervisor, the counselor may set into motion a program deemed appropriate for the student and inform the Principal and parents/guardians of the program taken.
    3. The Principal or Principal’s designee will notify legal authorities of all evidence and reports of all illegal activity if warranted.

    B. Consequences & Supports

    Alcohol, Inhalants and other Impairing or Intoxicating Substances: All information concerning a student suspected of using and/or possessing, alcohol, inhalants or other drugs, will be directed to the Principal by a Dean or an Assistant Principal. If it is determined that a student did use and/or possess alcohol or other drugs in violation of school rules (the use of a breathalyzer and/or an oral fluid test may be used to determine if a student is under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs), then the following consequences may apply, determined by the administration on a case-by-case basis. As a part of this process a re-engagement meeting will be held to assist in transitioning the student back into the school setting and offer available support services where appropriate.

    Where the prohibited alcohol, inhalant or other drug use and/or possession does not involve the transfer or intent to transfer alcohol or other drugs by the violator to another student.  The Principal or Principal's designee will notify the student’s parents/guardians, appropriate school personnel, and law enforcement officials, as warranted. Possible consequences will be discussed with the parents/guardians.

    Tobacco or look-alike: If a student is suspected of using and/or possessing tobacco, tobacco products, or a look-alike product including but not limited to electronic cigarettes, all information will be directed to the Principal by the Deans or an Assistant Principal. If it is determined that a student did use and/or possess a tobacco product or look-alike product in violation of school rules, then the following consequences may apply. Consequences will be determined by the administration on a case-by-case basis. As a part of this process, a re-engagement meeting will be held to assist in transitioning the student back into the school setting and offer available support services where appropriate.

    FIRST Offense Tobacco

    • Assignment of 1 day Alternative to In-School Setting (no more than 3 periods per day). 
    • Loss of parking privileges for five school days
    • Other supports as deemed appropriate including reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/ parent/guardian  education program or other supports as listed in Table 1.2

    SECOND Offense Tobacco

    • Assignment of up to 3 days in an Alternative to In-School Setting (no more than 3 hours per day). 
    • Loss of parking privileges for twenty school days. 
    • Other supports deemed appropriate include reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/ parent/guardian  education program or other supports as listed in Table 1.2. 

    THIRD Offense Tobacco

    • Assignment of up to 5 days in an Alternative to In-School Setting (no more than 3 hours per day).
    • Loss of parking privileges for forty school days
    • Other supports deemed appropriate include reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/ parent/guardian education program or other supports as listed in Table 1.2. 

    FIRST Offense Alcohol and Drugs

    • Assignment of up to 5 days in an Alternative to In-School Setting (no more than 3 hours per day)
    • Loss of parking privileges for twenty school days
    • Other supports as deemed appropriate including reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/parent/guardian education program

    SECOND Offense Alcohol and Drugs

    • Assignment of up to 8 days in an Alternative to In-School Setting (no more than 3 hours per day)
    • Loss of parking privileges for forty school days
    • Other supports as deemed appropriate including reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/parent/guardian education program

    THIRD or Subsequent Offense(s) 

    • Assignment of up to 10 days in an alternative setting (no more than 3 hours per day), with the possibility of out of school suspension for subsequent offenses  
    • Loss of parking privileges for 100 school days up to a complete loss of parking privileges for subsequent days 
    • Parking fees will not be refunded if parking privileges are revoked or suspended; or if the student is suspended or expelled.
    • Other supports deemed appropriate include reductions in hours through the successful completion of a student/parent/guardian education program or other supports as listed in Table 1.2.
    • A recommendation for expulsion may be made if deemed appropriate.
    • The student is prohibited from participating in overnight activities and/or overnight athletic events for one year from the date of the second incident. (This does not apply to a tobacco offense.)


    The distribution or intent to distribute alcohol and/or other drugs by the violator to another student may result in the following consequences.

    1. The Principal or Principal's designee notifies the student, parents/guardians, appropriate school personnel, and law enforcement officials, as warranted. Possible consequences are discussed with the parents/guardians.
    2. The first instance involving a distribution or intent to distribute may result in:

    a. Ten day out-of-school suspension with the requirement for the student and parents/guardians to complete either an approved student/parent/guardian educational program or an assessment from an approved outside agency at the parents’/guardians’ expense, whichever the Student Assistance Program designee deems most appropriate. Proof of a completed assessment must be submitted from the agency to the Student-Assistance Program designee prior to the end of the ten day out-of-school suspension.

    b. Other supports as deemed appropriate 

    c. A recommendation for expulsion may be made if deemed appropriate.

    d. Loss of parking privileges for 40 school days.

    3. Any further instance involving such distribution or intent to distribute may result in a ten day out-of-school suspension and a possible recommendation for expulsion.

    4. When, in the judgment of the Principal or the Principal's designee, it has not been established there was a violation, but there is a reasonable basis to believe that a
        prohibited alcohol or other drug use and/or possession has occurred:

    a. All information available is given to the student's counselor and/or Student Assistance Program or designee.

    b. Based on the counselor's knowledge of the student and in consultation with the counselor's supervisor, the counselor may set into motion a program for the student and inform the Principal and parents/guardians of the action taken.

    5. Prescription/non-prescription medications are to be registered with and dispensed in a manner consistent with the intended use of that medication by the school nurse.

    6. When the prohibited medication falls into one of the following categories, the first offense will be a warning and parents/guardians will be contacted. Medications in this category include but are not limited to acetaminophen (Tylenol, Midol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and calcium carbonate (chewable antacid).

    7. Any possession, use, misuse (in a manner inconsistent with the intended use by the manufacturer) and/or distribution of prescription/non-prescription medications may result in a violation of this policy. Examples of these medications include, but are not limited to, Coricidin and Sudafed.

    8. Exception: Upon a student’s parents or guardians complying with the requirements set forth in 105 ILCS 5/22-30, Board Policy 7-270,


    Administering Medication to Students and District Procedures:

    a. Students at risk of anaphylaxis are permitted the self-administration of an epinephrine auto-injector.

    b. Students with asthma are permitted the self-administration of asthma medication.

    c. Students with diabetes may possess and self-administer diabetic medication.

    9. Nothing contained in this policy or guideline limits the authority of any school staff member to remove a student immediately froma class or school property or activity in emergency circumstances.


    Prescription/non-prescription medications are to be registered with and dispensed in a manner consistent with the intended use of that medication by the school nurse. Please refer to Procedures for Administering Medication Section for the District’s policy regarding administration of medications and asthma and epi-pen self-administration. When the prohibited offense will be a warning and parents/guardians will be contacted. Medications in this category include but are not limited to acetaminophen (Tylenol, Midol), ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil), and calcium carbonate (chewable antacid).

    1. Any possession, use, misuse (in a manner inconsistent with the intended use by the manufacturer) and/or distribution of prescription/non-prescription medications may result in a violation of this policy. Examples of these medications include, but are not limited to, Coricidin and Sudafed.
    2. Exception: Upon a student’s parents or guardians complying with the requirements set forth in 105 ILCS 5/22-30, Board Policy 7-270, and Administering Medication to Students and District Procedures. 


    Nothing contained in this policy or guidelines limits the authority of any school staff member to remove a student immediately from a class or school property or activity in emergency circumstances.